Curing Workplace Deviance through Organizational Justice in the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction: The case of NGOs in Pakistan


  • Faizan Baig University of Central Punjab
  • Zia Ullah Assistant Professor, UCP Business School, University of Central Punjab


Organizations of modern era are trying to obtain competitive advantage through human force. Unfortunately, workforce is getting involved into deviant practices in almost every organization and such workplace deviance can be a great threat which can harm the organizational performance. Most of such deviant practices are due to injustice events which happen in organization and ultimately reduce the job satisfaction of employees. Such issues of deviance and injustice have note been explored in Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) of Pakistan in the past which highlights a certain need to explore this area. This study has aimed to check the impact of organizational justice dimensions on workplace deviance in the mediating role of job satisfaction in NGOs of Pakistan. To do this, a sample of five NGOs was selected and 500 close ended questionnaires were personally administered to randomly selected employees. A total of 381 questionnaires complete in all the respects were included for analysis. Inferential statistical techniques were then applied to draw conclusions. The results have proved that all dimensions of organizational justice have a significant negative impact on workplace deviance and job satisfaction significantly mediate this relationship which establishes that organizational injustice lead employees to behave in deviant ways.. This research has implications for both managers and theory. Limitations and future research indications have also been given at the end of this study.

Author Biographies

Faizan Baig, University of Central Punjab

Master of Business Administration, UCP Business School, University of Central Punjab

Zia Ullah, Assistant Professor, UCP Business School, University of Central Punjab

Assistant Professor, UCP Business School


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