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In a nutshell, the combination of all content on the SJMS website, the look and feel of the website, is the property of Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology Peshawar.</p> <p>As an author or contributor, you grant permission to others to reproduce your articles, <strong>including any graphics and third-party materials supplied by you</strong>, in accordance with the SJMS Terms and Conditions. The licence granted to third parties over all contents of each article, including third-party elements, is a Creative Commons Attribution ("CC BY") licence. The current version is CC-BY, version 4.0 (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>), and the licence will automatically be updated as and when updated by the Creative Commons organisation.</p> <p>You may include a requirement to reproduce copyright notices but you may not restrict the right to reproduce the entire article, including third-party graphics. This means that you must obtain any necessary third-party consents and permissions to reproduce third-party materials in your articles submitted to SJMS.</p> <p>Copyright Statement updated September 13, 2022.</p> (Wali Rahman) (Wali Rahman) Sun, 30 Jun 2024 12:18:51 +0000 OJS 60 THE IMPACT OF ORGANIZATIONAL DOWNSIZING ON EMPLOYEES’ PERFORMANCE IN PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES OF AFGHANISTAN <p>The objective of the study is to measure the impact of downsizing on employee performance while using motivational factors (turnover intention, employee commitment, job security) as moderating variables in private sector Universities of Nagarhar Province, Afghanistan. Data for the study is collected through questionnaire using 5 Likert scale from a sample of 200 faculty members. A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed among faculty members out of whom 186 were received back. The findings of the study revealed that all motivational factors have a positive impact on employee performance whereas organizational downsizing has a negative influence on employee performance. Moreover, apart from TOI all other independent variables have a significant influence on employee performance. The moderation analysis reveals that motivational factors moderate organizational downsizing impact on employee performance positively.</p> Muhammad Ishaq Hotak, Zia ur Rehman, Atiq Rafique Khattak Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 IMPACT OF HARVESTING DIVERSITY BELIEFS AND CULTIVATING WORKFORCE DIVERSITY BENEFITS DIMENSIONS OF LEADERSHIP ON THE ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE IN ORGANIZATIONS IN PAKISTAN <p>This research examines the connections among the dimensions of the harvesting workforce diversity belief and cultivating workforce diversity benefits dimensions of leadership and organizational performance in highly gender-diverse organizations in Pakistan. Constructs of the study were measured with the help of the scale of Leroy et al., (2021), and the assessment involved the sample of 500 employees from universities and HEIs in Pakistan. The data collection process was conducted among the university employees. The analysis of data was carried out with PLS-SEM using SmartPLS software version 3. The outcomes of this study signify that within the higher education sector in Pakistan, the distinct dimensions of leadership of harvesting workforce diversity beliefs and cultivating diversity benefits dimensions of leadership exert a positive and noteworthy influence on organizational performance. Findings strongly support the notion that implementing effective workforce diversity leadership dimension of the harvesting workforce diversity beliefs and the cultivating workforce diversity benefits dimensions of leadership can significantly enhance organizational performance. The outcomes robustly affirm the idea that the efficacy of leadership dimensions, including harvesting workforce diversity beliefs and cultivating workforce diversity benefits dimensions of leadership is pivotal in augmenting organizational performance.</p> Muhammad Hani, Muhammad Razzaq Athar, Zia ur Rehman, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Younas Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE MEDIATING ROLE OF ORGANIZATION CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR BETWEEN ISLAMIC WORK ETHICS AND JOB PERFORMANCE IN THE COMMERCIAL BANKS OF PAKISTAN <p>This study investigates the mediation role of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) between Islamic work ethics (IWE) and Job Performance (JP) in commercial banks of Pakistan. Data was collected from 336 respondents with the help of an adapted questionnaire with sound validity and reliability. Collected data was analyzed with the help of Smart PLS4. Findings of the study show that IWE positively and significantly affect OCB and JP. Results also confirmed the complementary partial mediating role of OCB such that for higher IWE and OCB the higher the JP. The findings of the study are believed to have a number of implications for the organizations, practitioners and academicians to foster IWE and OCB to maximize JP. In addition, the study improved our knowledge that how IWE affect OCB and job performance in the context of Pakistani’s commercial banks. The limitation of the study is that its conclusions are limited to the Pakistani’s commercial banks in its own distinct style of functioning, culture and environment. Further research may be carried out on the variables of workforce deviant behavior, organization politics, job engagement, organization culture, emotional well-being, organizational performance and locus of control in relationship with IWE. It is highly suggested to provide frequent training and seminars on IWE in order to improve OCB and job Performance.</p> Sajjad Ali Khan, Wali Rahman Copyright (c) 2024 Sajjad Ali Khan, Wali Rahman Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EXPLORING CREATIVITY THROUGH BIG FIVE MODEL IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR UNIVERSITIES OF KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA, PAKISTAN <p>In today environment personality traits perform significant and vital role in the organization success. For all organization one of the most primary important challenges is how to enhance and increase the level of creativity in their employees through working on different traits of personality. Empirically, this research tests the Big Five Model on creativity among teaching staff of the private sector Universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. This research employs quantitative method with positivist approach to assess the hypothesized connections on the foundation of existing theories and literature. The data was taken from 338 participants performing duty in several private higher education institutions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. For sample size determination used Krejcie &amp; Morgan (1970) formula and stratified sampling techniques of data collection. Descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed to ensure that the results are consistent and encounter the systematic consistency. The outcomes of study revealed that extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience have significantly positive connection with creativity. On the other hand, the results for neuroticism revealed that neuroticism has significantly negative effect on creativity. Hence, it implies that higher education institutions should develop appropriate strategies for the retention of learning, training and research as well as to improve their creative employees and students.</p> Khalil ur Rahman, Altaf Hussain, Mohammad Hanif Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Khalil ur Rahman, Altaf Hussain, Mohammad Hanif Khan Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PEOPLE'S PERCEPTIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS INFLUENCE THEIR PRO-ENVIRONMENTAL BEHAVIORS AND MENTAL WELL-BEING: A QUALITATIVE STUDY <p>This qualitative study delves into the intricate relationship between perceptions of environmental risks, pro-environmental behaviors, and mental well-being. Through in-depth interviews and thematic analysis, the research explores how individuals' perceptions of environmental risks shape their attitudes, beliefs, and actions towards environmental conservation. Findings reveal the complex interplay between risk perception, pro-environmental behavior, and mental health, highlighting the importance of understanding these dynamics for promoting sustainable living and holistic well-being. (N=15) participants were targeted with age ranges 25-40. Six themes were generated through interpretation of statements of participants through thematic analysis (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis [IPA]) including: Key factors of PEBs and RP, Importance of PEBs and RP, Interconnections, Motivators and Hinders, Social Factors and Steps for betterment of society. The study underscores the significance of qualitative approaches in uncovering nuanced insights into the motivations, barriers, and consequences of environmental engagement, offering valuable implications for interventions, policies, and future research endeavors aimed at fostering environmental sustainability and enhancing human flourishing.</p> Iqra Shafique Abbasi, Misbah Shafique Abbasi Copyright (c) 2024 Iqra Shafique Abbasi, Misbah Shafique Abbasi Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 GENDER DISPARITIES IN PSYCHOPATHY, PTSD AND DEPRESSION AMONG ADULTS IN PAKISTAN: DEPRESSION AS MEDIATOR <p>With growing awareness and destigmatization of mental health issues, there's an increasing recognition of the prevalence and impact of conditions like PTSD, psychopathy, and depression among adults. Understanding these conditions helps to address misconceptions and promote mental health literacy. Studying these factors helps to understand their impact and develop effective coping strategies and support systems. Gender disparities do not exist in isolation but intersect with other social determinants of health, such as age, socioeconomic status, education, and access to healthcare. For this purpose, sample of 381 adults between the ages of 18 and 45 was taken from different geographical region of Pakistan who experienced any kind of traumatic situation through snowball sampling. Pearson Product Correlation analysis was use to find correlation of demographics variables with study variables. Socioeconomic status differences were found out by independent t-test. Results of the study revealed that depression mediates the relationship between PTSD and psychopathy. Findings from this research can inform evidence-based policy recommendations aimed at reducing gender disparities in mental health outcomes and improving access to culturally appropriate mental health services in Pakistan. By amplifying the voices of marginalized groups and advocating for gender-sensitive policies, researchers can contribute to broader social change and promote mental health equity.</p> Misbah Shafique Abbasi, Iqra Shafique Abbasi Copyright (c) 2024 Misbah Shafique Abbasi, Iqra Shafique Abbasi Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 AN INQUIRY INTO THE IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS OF THE NEW ACCOUNTING MODEL <p>The New Accounting Model has been adopted as a government accounting system in Pakistan under PIFRA reforms. This study aims to investigate the process of implementing the New Accounting Model, as previous research has given inadequate focus to the government accounting of Pakistan and its constituents. The results are considered valuable for education, policy, and practice in government accounting and have the potential to provide insights for future amendments. A thematic analysis of the interview data reveals that the New Accounting Model was implemented in a systematic manner. This encompassed conducting a feasibility study, designing the New Accounting Model and System Application Program, conducting testing at designated locations, capacity building, establishing necessary infrastructure, and subsequent functionalization of the model at pilot, rollout, and replica sites.</p> Irfan Ullah, Arshad Ali Copyright (c) 2024 Irfan Ullah, Arshad Ali Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 FACTORS INFLUENCING ACCEPTANCE OF CHATGPT AMONG STUDIOUS STUDENTS FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES <p>As we are living in the digital age, also known as the new media age, there is no denying the fact that our lives are shaped by technology to the extent that we have become dependent on it for our day-to-day matters. Although technology, more specifically Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made our lives easier and efficient. One such tool that gained instant popularity and usage after its invention is ChatGPT. Though ChatGPT is benefitting people in various fields but its use in academia still has acquired mixed reviews. While some see its potential for enhanced learning, other view it as a way for students to cheat and plagiarize (Kirk, 2023). Research on the use of ChatGPT in educational setting has been conducted in a few countries but still it needs a lot of research in the Pakistani context. The current paper will find out factors influencing acceptance of ChatGPT among studious students for academic purpose. Moreover, this paper also has a qualitative part which will review the challenges and opportunities of using ChatGPT in higher education in Pakistan by doing a SWOT analysis. Data for the quantitative part will be collected through questionnaire, from engineering students of National Sciences and Technology (NUST) university. In the light of the results gained after data analysis, a comprehensive discussion on the opportunities and challenges of using ChatGPT in Pakistani academic setting will be done. The potential for abuse and exploitation will also be covered in the paper's discussion of the ethical issues. ChatGPT is one of the first of its kind available to general public and more are on its way. Thus, we have to accept its presence in our lives. We need to open dialogue so that AI in education reaches its full potential, which can have more opportunities than challenges.</p> Neelma Neelma, Samia Tahir Samia Tahir, Qasim Ali Qureshi Copyright (c) 2024 Neelma Neelma, Samia Tahir Samia Tahir, Qasim Ali Qureshi Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 CEO DUALITY, BOARD INDEPENDENCE AND FIRM FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE: EVIDENCE FROM AN ASIAN EMERGING MARKET <p>This study explores the relationship between CEO duality, board independence, and firm financial performance of listed companies in Pakistan, an Asian emerging market with a unique institutional background, family-controlled business, larger board independence, and CEO duality in companies listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX). We used a sample of 146 listed manufacturing companies for the period–2003-2012. The dynamic generalised method (GMM) is employed to estimate and address endogeneity issues. The study finds an insignificant association between CEO duality and firm financial performance in the absence of board independence. However, we observed a significant positive association between CEO duality and financial performance in the presence of large board independence. This study concludes that the association between CEO duality and firm financial performance is contingent on the being of outside directors on the board. This study extends the body of existing literature on CEO duality and board independence financial performance with reference to an emerging Asian market, more specifically Pakistan. Based on the results, it suggests that policymakers should pay particular attention to the quality of corporate governance, specifically board structure, while predicting financial performance.</p> Shahab Ud Din, Wajid Khan, Faiza Saleem, Muhammad Yar Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Shahab Ud Din, Wajid Khan, Faiza Saleem, Muhammad Yar Khan Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 UNLOCKING INNOVATION POTENTIALS: THE ROLE OF VALUE CO-CREATION AND ABSORPTION CAPACITY <p>In today's rapidly changing world, there is a growing demand for organizations to innovate and establish initiative-driven resources. The current study is a cross-sectional study grounded in epistemological positivism, involving a sample of 200 participants drawn from the service industry, specifically hotels and restaurants in Quetta City. Sampling techniques included both stratified and cluster sampling. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 27 and Hayes Process Macro Model, which encompassed correlation, multiple regression, and reliability testing. Results showed a positive and significant correlation among all variables. Moreover, the analysis demonstrated that absorption capacity significantly moderates the relationship between value co-creation and innovation capabilities, confirming the hypotheses and proposed model. These findings emphasize the importance of fostering innovation capabilities, promoting value co-creation, and developing absorption capacity practices within organizations, thus highlighting avenues for future research.</p> Ramish Zafar Bhatti, Beenish Malik, Sadaf Nagi Copyright (c) 2024 Ramish Zafar Bhatti, Beenish Malik, Sadaf Nagi Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000