Packaging Cues, Pakistani Consumer Market, Mall intercept method Nutritional label.Abstract
The study aims to investigate the effect of food packaging cues on the quality perceptions of the consumers. The data was collected from Pakistani consumer market through survey. The regions of Rawalpindi and Islamabad were selected for data collection by using self-administered questionnaires. Mall intercept method was applied for collecting the responses and the malls were selected on the basis of popularity and high customer turn out. SPSS and PLS were used in order to carry out descriptive and inferential analysis respectively. The outcomes of the study indicate that both the image variables taken as predictors (Halal label, nutritional label) casts a worthwhile effect on perceptions of quality while consumer knowledge casted no moderating impact on the perceived product quality in Pakistani consumer market.
Alike other studies, there are few research limitations to this study as well. Since the data has been collected from the regions of Rawalpindi and Islamabad only, an issue of generalizability can occur. The findings of the study reveal that cues presented on the packaging can cast a meaningful impression on the minds of consumers. The findings of the study also suggest that intelligent placement of the extrinsic cues by practitioners can help in the formation of positive quality perceptions which in turn lead to better sale outcomes. Since there are limited number of such studies in Pakistani context so it provides significant contribution to the literature as well.
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