The impact of culture limitation for Females to participate in sports activities at college level: A case study of district Sialkot
The main purpose of the study the impact of culture limitation for Females to participate in sports activities at college level: A case study of district Sialkot. Objectives of the study were to analyses the influence of societal constrains on college level female sports participation. To assess the influence of cultural limitations on college level female sports participation. To determine the effect of different demographic factors of the respondents regarding the effect of societal constraints upon female college sports. To determine the effect of different demographic factors of the respondents regarding the effect of cultural limitations upon female college sports. The researcher used Likert type questionnaire as a tool for data collection. The questionnaire was consisting of two different portions the first portion was developed to investigate the influence of societal constraints upon girl’s participation at college level and second portion was design to collect information regarding the influence of cultural limitations upon female college sports. Total 867 copies of questionnaires were distributed and 771 (F.A students= 578 and F.Sc students= 193) copies were returned in all respect 98 copies of questionnaire were spoiled the return ratio of the questionnaire were 88.93%. All the students of female colleges of Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan was the matter of interest of the researcher to collect information. In this present study the researcher takes 20% female students from the colleges of Sialkot. The researcher assumes that, the 20% sample for this type of study had sufficient to draw the conclusions and generalizations. The researcher assumes that, proportionate sampling technique appropriate to take sample from the population. The total number of sample was 867 (666 F.A students & 201 F.Sc Students). Researcher observed there is significant effect of societal and cultural aspect upon the girl’s participation in sports activities.
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