Sports Participation, Delinquent Behavior, College StudentsAbstract
Each individual have sufficient energy remain after performing daily task, particularly the youth have more ample energy. This energy needs to be utilizing in some sort of activity. If the energy is utilized in constructive manner, it will not only beneficial for the individual but also for society as well. On the other hand, if not properly used the individual will engaged in destructive activities, which will not only harm the individual but also injurious for the whole society. Humans play when they have excess energy (Surplus energy theory of Play, Spencer Herbert, 1873). It is generally observed that the non-working, particularly the adolescents have problems to utilize their ample energy in a constructive manner. Consequently the youth, who are considered as nation builders indulge the evil society. On the other hand an organized program of sports not only gives pleasure and amusement to its participants, but also prevents individuals from unsocial practices. This thought paved the researcher intends to work upon the role of sports activities in eradication of social immoralities. Keeping in view the current scenario the researcher intends to explore and evaluate the role of sports participation in controlling delinquent behavior among the college students. For the purpose few objectives were formulated for the study, i.e., to examine the involvement of athletes and non-athletes in delinquent behavior at college level, and to examine the mean difference in terms of demographic attributes between respondents regarding their involvement in delinquent behavior. Furthermore, few hypotheses were formulated for the study in hand, i.e. Athlete’s involvements in aggressive delinquency (Verbal Abusing, Teasing, Threatening and insulting) will be found a lesser amount than non-athletes, athlete’s involvements in violent delinquency (Carrying Weapon, Group Fighting, punching and destruction of property) will be found less than non-athletes, and athlete’s involvements in drugs adduction (Smoking, Alcohol, cocaine, tobacco, and snuff) will be found a smaller amount than non-athletes. A Likert Type Questionnaire was used to collect the data from sample. Samples of 720 college students were conveniently selected from different districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Pakistan. It was concluded that sports and other recreational activities are considered as quite capable of bringing positive change in polishing and molding the individual behavior. The social delinquency like aggressive behavior, verbal abusing, teasing, threatening and insulting can be very effectively controlled through enhancement in sports participation among the youth. The study reveals that those who participate in sports avoid involvement in aggressive behavior as compared to those who do not take part in sports activities.
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