Pay satisfaction, organizational commitment, OCBAbstract
This study has a two-fold, to find out pay disparity among the federal government employees and to examine the justification of such disparity if exist. Furthermore, the study indented to investigate the impact of pay satisfaction (PS) on organizational citizenship behavior (OCBs with mediating role of Organizational commitment (OC). Documented analysis of pay slips were conducted to analyzed the level of pay variation considering the gross pay of the employees at federal level in the same pay scale. Actual pay slips of 90 employees were analyzed for this purpose, where significant pay differences were noted by equally place (BPS) employees in same scale. Moreover, 22 participants participated through semi structure interview to provide information regarding such pay disparity. For achieving the second purpose of the study, a conceptual model was drawn connecting PS and OCB with OC as mediating variable. To test the conceptual model, structured questionnaires were used to collect the data from the employees of public sector organizations. Total 251 respondents of eight public sector organizations participated in the study. During analysis of the data, it was observed that PS positively effects OCBs. Moreover, the results also revealed that this relationship is mediated by OC. These findings point out that when there is pay disparity, there will displeasure among the employees. Further, PS significantly affects employees’ OCBs, and OC. The study advocated that a consistent pay structure will improve employees’ OCBs, and OC which ultimately improve organizational performance.

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