Impact of Network Channel on Organizational Performance through Radio Frequency Identification; Mediating role of Competition


  • Muhammad Noman Shafique Department of Business Management, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics
  • Dr. Alireza Nasiri Surrey International Institute (University of Surrey DUFE Campus)
  • Dr. Haji Rahman Faculty of Business Administration, Preston University, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Hussain Ahmad Department of Business Administration, Federal Urdu University of Arts Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan


Network Channel, Accessibility of location, Information, Assurance of Product delivery, Competition, Radio frequency identification (RFID), Organizational Performance


Distribution concept was the origin of marketing. Every organization has realized that they can enhance their performance through strengthen their network channels and through the adaptation of new, Radio-frequency identification (RFID), technology. In this study, the relationship between network channel and organizational performance has been established. RFID technology is focused to strengthen network channel to gain competitive advantage, which will result to enhance organizational performance. The nature of this study is correlation based on deductive approach and quantitative nature through survey method based on the adoptive questionnaire. The population of this study is retail industry in China. The sample size is 100 with random sampling technique is used. The results from this study show that network channel affect organizational performance while the competition plays the mediating effect and radio-frequency identification technology play the moderated effect on the relationship between network channel and organizational performance. This study will improve organizational performance in retail industry and will reduce the cost of network channel, which will result to increase organizational performance.


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