A Review of Organizational Silence antecedents and its impact on Job Attitudes


  • Muhammad Jahangir Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Islamabad
  • Mehreen Abdullah Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Islamabad


Keywords, Organizational Silence, Fear, Job Attitudes, Trust, Communication


In order to achieve the objective effectively and efficiently, employees are viewed as wellsprings of progress, innovation, learning and advancement. However a large number of them choose silence and not to pass on their profitable feelings and worries about the issues in their associations. The aim of the study is to use literature to find out the motives for silence among employees and factors that cause silence in an organization. The most widely recognized components bringing about silence are organizational culture, fear and negative criticism by administration, absence of trust and lack of support from management. The literature suggests that silence is a behavioral practice which is also associated with several job attitudes like satisfaction, turnover intention and organizational citizenship behavior. When there is a climate of trust in organization and proper channels of communication are available, employees will be more willing to speak up about organizational issues.

Keywords: Organizational silence, fear, job attitudes, trust, communication


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