Mobile Banking Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: An Application of Carter Model
Purpose: Mobile banking is one of the modern means of handy banking services. Using the Carter model, this study aims to find the nexus between customer satisfaction and mobile banking service quality among Pakistani users.
Design/methodology/approach: The structured questionnaire has been administered to 400 mobile banking users in Rawalpindi, Islamabad and Wah Cantt. Simple random sampling was used to gather the respondents for data collection.
Findings: The analysis shows that there exists a positive association between the dimensions of assurance, tangibility as well as responsiveness with customer satisfaction. However, there exists no relationship between empathy and reliability with customer satisfaction.
Implications: This study fills up the gap in literature by providing insights from mobile banking sector of Pakistan. Furthermore, the model of the study can be extended in different contexts with other dimensions also. It will be better if banks develop their e banking services up to date by adapting to the latest changes in industry and technology.
Originality/value: This particular study has a deep importance as it provides evidence from the developing nation of Pakistan. It has spread heading endeavour to explore the consumer loyalty in the keeping money industry of Pakistan by utilizing a vast example and progress measurable systems.
Limitations/Future horizons: The study has been conducted in the area of Rawalpindi and Islamabad however future researchers may expand the premises as well as add more variables to the model to gain deeper insights.
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