The Impact of Advertisement on Mutual Funds Awareness: A Case Study of Arif Habib Investment Limited


  • Sarmad Jan Mian Sarhad University of Science & IT, Peshawar
  • Rabia Shah Sarhad University of Science & IT, Peshawar
  • Sana Tariq Sarhad University of Science & IT, Peshawar


The critical role of advertising is to generate awareness about organization offerings regardless of the industry in which it is operating. Advertising and its effectiveness on mutual funds products in terms of awareness is studied in this paper. Arif Habib Investment limited was taken as case to investigate the impact of advertising on its funds awareness. Employees were interviewed for this purpose. Due to the investigative nature of the research qualitative research technique is used by the researchers. The studied showed that advertisement has positive impact on the attentiveness of products offered by mutual funds among patrons. The significance of advertising in generating brand awareness in financial sector is revealed during the course of the study.

Author Biographies

Sarmad Jan Mian, Sarhad University of Science & IT, Peshawar

Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration

Rabia Shah, Sarhad University of Science & IT, Peshawar

Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration

Sana Tariq, Sarhad University of Science & IT, Peshawar

Assistant Professor, Department of Business AdministrationThe Impact of Advertisement on Mutual Funds Awareness: A Case Study of Arif Habib Investment Limited


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