
  • Neelma Neelma NUST
  • Samia Tahir Samia Tahir NUST
  • Qasim Ali Qureshi Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS University, Islamabad


As we are living in the digital age, also known as the new media age, there is no denying the fact that our lives are shaped by technology to the extent that we have become dependent on it for our day-to-day matters. Although technology, more specifically Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made our lives easier and efficient. One such tool that gained instant popularity and usage after its invention is ChatGPT. Though ChatGPT is benefitting people in various fields but its use in academia still has acquired mixed reviews. While some see its potential for enhanced learning, other view it as a way for students to cheat and plagiarize (Kirk, 2023). Research on the use of ChatGPT in educational setting has been conducted in a few countries but still it needs a lot of research in the Pakistani context. The current paper will find out factors influencing acceptance of ChatGPT among studious students for academic purpose. Moreover, this paper also has a qualitative part which will review the challenges and opportunities of using ChatGPT in higher education in Pakistan by doing a SWOT analysis. Data for the quantitative part will be collected through questionnaire, from engineering students of National Sciences and Technology (NUST) university. In the light of the results gained after data analysis, a comprehensive discussion on the opportunities and challenges of using ChatGPT in Pakistani academic setting will be done. The potential for abuse and exploitation will also be covered in the paper's discussion of the ethical issues. ChatGPT is one of the first of its kind available to general public and more are on its way. Thus, we have to accept its presence in our lives. We need to open dialogue so that AI in education reaches its full potential, which can have more opportunities than challenges.


