Relation between Human Capital and Economic Growth: Evidence from Pakistan


  • Amtul Hafeez Department of Economics, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad
  • Subhat Subhan Department of Economics, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad
  • Rashid Naeem Department of Economics, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad


This study investigates the impact of human capital on economic growth of
Pakistan. Gross Domestic Product is employed as a dependent variable. Human capital indicators (proxied through public sector spending on health and education, primary education, secondary education and higher education enrollment), physical capital and labor force participation rate are used as independent variables. The time series data is taken from various issues of Economic Survey of Pakistan and Labor Force Surveys for  the time period 1971-2013. The long run between the variables is checked through Autoregressive Regressive Distributed Lag Model. Short run relationship is ï¬nd out through Error correction model. The results explain that there is a signiï¬cant and long run relationship between the variables.


