The Relationship between Individual Characteristics and practices of Self-leadership in Academia


  • Fakhr e Alam Afridi Islamia College Peshawar
  • Shahid Jan Islamia College Peshawar


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-leadership behaviors and individual characteristics in academia. An online survey was conducted and 217 participants' responses were measured with the help of a questionnaire. Multiple regression was used to analyze individual characteristics of self- leaders. The findings indicate that individual characteristics do predict self-leadership. Personality traits variables conscientiousness and openness have a significant positive relationship with self-leadership practices. Surprisingly, this study found emotional stability has no significant relationship with self-leadership behavior. This study also employed a rigorous validation technique therefore, this study was able to address some of the methodological limitations of previous studies such as common method variance by examining the proposed relationships in a longitudinal setting.

Author Biographies

Fakhr e Alam Afridi, Islamia College Peshawar

PhD Scholar,
Faculty of Management Sciences,

Shahid Jan, Islamia College Peshawar

Associate Professor / Chairman

Faculty of management sciences


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