
  • Madiha Khan University of Malakand
  • Nazim Ali University of Malakand
  • Shafiq ur Rehman University of Malakand
  • Shabir Ahmad University of Malakand


Organizational commitment, Stress, Turnover, Pakistan, Academics


The prime objective of theresearch is to study the mediating role of organizational commitment (OC) between the relationship of occupational stress and turnover intention (TI) among university teaching staff in Malakand Division, Pakistan. Data were collected from 186 faculty members working in government universities of Malakand division which was analyzed using SPSS and AMOS. The results showed a significant positive relationship of psychological and physiological stress withTI s and negative with OC. Furthermore, OC mediated the relationship between psychological and physiological stress and TI.

Author Biographies

Madiha Khan, University of Malakand

Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies

Nazim Ali, University of Malakand

Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies

Shafiq ur Rehman, University of Malakand

Chairman, Department of Management Studies

Shabir Ahmad, University of Malakand

Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies


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