About the Journal

Focus and Scope

It gives me great pleasure and honor to welcome you to the Sarhad Journal of Management Sciences (SJMS). It is my expectation this journal will give our field an academic voice and a venue for research that will enhance our critical and intellectual understanding of business education-related issues. Ultimately, as any academic endeavor must begin and end with the interests of enriching the existing knowledge in mind, I believe Sarhad Journal of Management Sciences (SJMS) will play its role appropriately. The Journal is, therefore, the ideal venue for the discussion of quality research in our field. In this way, we hope we will be able to fill an important academic niche. As such we welcome and encourage submission of quality original academic research focused on a wide range of business related issues. We are honored to share the work of so many committed and thoughtful people. We appreciate your support and are so happy to have you as a contributor and reader of our journal. The journal editorial team is committed to maintain a high international and scientific standard by publishing original articles of research in order to establish the journal as one of the informative journals in business education. The journal editorial board appeals to all researchers globally to contribute genuinely to advance the task of our journal in order to serve the academic community. We are looking forward to receiving your submission of articles, reports and notes.

The journal accepts papers in the field of management (Human Resource Management, Finance, and Marketing), business education, economics, and behavioural sciences.

Peer Review Process

I am pleased to inform all researchers/authors that Sarhad University Journal of Management Sciences has gone online. The Journal follows double blind peer review process, which is widely accepted as an objective process for the selection of quality papers. In this regard the role of referees is vital for maintaining quality standards for our journal. Therefore, all manuscript submitted to this journal are required to pass the peer review outlined below:

Manuscript Initial Evaluation

As soon as a submission is received, the Editors are tasked to evaluate it. After this initial evaluation, the submitted article may either be accepted to be forwarded for peer review or otherwise. The causes for rejection at this stage may be the insufficient originality, suffers from serious conceptual problems, very weak in grammar or English language, have scientific/ objective flaws, or may not fall within the aims and scope of the journal. In both the cases researchers/authors will be notified within 3-4 weeks after the submission.

Type of Peer Review

SJMS will be employing double blind review. The purpose of this blind review is to keep the author and referee anonymous throughout the process.

Selection of a Referee

The journal has a list of referees and this selection for any submission is made on the basis of matching principles. In addition, the journal management welcomes suggestions for referees from the author though these recommendations are not necessarily used.

Referee Reports
Referees have been instructed to evaluate the submission keeping in view the following basic points:

- Originality of the manuscript

- Theoretical contribution of the submission

- Methodological soundness of the submission

- Research guidelines have properly been followed

- Is conclusion of the research is in line with the objective of the research?

- Has the extant literature referred to in the text relevancy to the topic under discussion?

- Has research implications been provided?

- Has the subject been presented in lucid language?

Duration of Review Process

It will be hard to give any absolute duration for the review as it is subject to the response of the referees. However, the typical time for this journal may protract to 8 weeks. In case of divergent views from the referees, in such cases additional expert opinion will be sought which can add to the already committed duration. In some cases when finding a second editor is difficult, and the Editors feel that one referee report is outrightly convincing, the Editor has the discretion to accept, reject or ask the author for a revision. The Editor's decision will be sent to the author with recommendations made by the referees, which usually includes verbatim comments by the referees. Revised manuscripts might be returned to the initial referees who may then request another revision of a manuscript.

Final Report

Author(s) will be informed about the final decision, along with any recommendations made by the referees, regarding acceptance or rejection of the submission will be sent to the author.

The Editor's Decision is Final

Referees recommendations/views will be given due weightage in the decision process by the Editor. However, the Editor, will be responsible for the final decision to accept or reject the article.

Becoming a referee for Sarhad Journal of Management Sciences

Any researcher whose expertise falls within the scope of this journal, and who is not on the list of current reviewers, and who is willing to become a referee and would like to be considered as a referee, please contact the editorial office at: editor.sjms@suit.edu.pk. The benefits of refereeing for the journal would include enriching one's research experience, and contributing to the overall integrity of academic research and its published documentation. Referees can cite their work for Sarhad Journal of Management Sciences as part of their professional development requirements for various professional societies and organizations.

Publication Frequency

Sarhad Journal of Management Sciences is a biannual research journal

Open Access Policy

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. The journal does not ask for signing any copyright agreement from the author(s).

The journal neither has APC (Article Porocessing Charges) charges nor publication charges.


Sarhad Journal of Management Sciences by Sarhad University of Science & IT is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Based on a work at suit.edu.pk

Sources of Support

The University Managagement is thankful to Higher Educaiton Commission, Islamabad for encouragemnet and facilitation.

Journal History

It is our pleasure to let you know about Sarhad University Journal of Management Sciences (SJMS- ISSN 2414-2336). Our journal is a double blinded peer reviewed bi-annual academic journal. The basic objective of launching this research journal is to provide a research platform to the research scholars. This objective is in line with the objective of the University is to provide quality education through to improve the quality of the existing level of knowledge through intensive academic research. This could only be possible if we vigorously pursue by inviting the contribution of research scholars from the leading academic authorities, senior researchers, academicians, and research students both at national and international levels.

To keep in line with our mission of the University and the subsequent objectives of our research journal, we would be highly pleased if researchers in the field of Management Sciences and other social sciences could contribute their share. It is, therefore, our research interest that researchers may provide their insights in the theoretical, applied and methodological work with vigorous scientific approach and realistic analysis, the development of critical perspective, the provision and use of empirical evidence.

Our journal is an open access journal with a very rich editorial board having national and international members of high caliber and experienced scholars in the relevant field. The management of the journal expects researchers and academicians to send their quality solicited and unsolicited research papers which may have practical as well theoretical implications. It is, indeed, an honour for me to shoulder the responsibility of Editor-in-Chief.

I would like to express my thorough thanks for the extensive co-operation of Prof. Dr. Saleem-ur-Rahman (Patron-in-Chief SJMS), Vice Chancellor, Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology, Prof. Dr. S. Ghiasul Haq, Dean Management Sciences, Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rahman, Head of Department Business Administration, and other team members for their respective cooperation and encouragement for launch this journal.

I am sanguine that this cooperation will continue till the journal achieve the a covetous position among the comity of world renowned research journals in the field of management and social sciences.